Sunday, July 4, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to be considered for the position available with your organization. To be quite honest, I have written such a huge number of cover letters that I am beginning to feel it's quite pointless; so I'll just cut to the chase.

I would like to work for your organization because I want to work with inner city kids, and I would like to get paid for it so I can devote all of my time and energy to it instead of just what is "left over" after I do my other-job-that-pays-me. I am not applying for this position just so I can be employed and have my health insurance paid for by someone else. I actually love inner city kids and want to devote my life to working with them full-time. I am organized and can get the job done, but I don't want to sit at a desk for forty hours a week. I would much rather hang out with the kids and "live life" with them.

Please don't just throw this letter and resume in some pile on your desk. I would really like to hear back from you. I am all too familiar with the Black Hole of Communication; please don't let this be another such experience.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sincerely Yours,
Anne K. Davies

(Don't worry; I have not sent this cover letter to anyone. Yet.)

1 comment:

  1. Well this would definitely get my attention, if it came across my desk.


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