Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hold up my arms....

I'm a firm believer that everyone's life has a soundtrack-- songs that sum up different phases of life. I know mine does! And it's no contest which song most accurately summarizes the past year and a half for me: "Hold Up My Arms" by Andrew Peterson. The song plays through my head frequently, especially on those days when I struggle to believe that God is for me and have to rely on my friends to remind me of the truths that I know deep in my heart but forget with my head. The chorus, for those not familiar with the song, goes like this--

...hold up my arms
Like Moses in the desert

When the battle ran long

Hold up my arms

We can go at this together

When my arms aren't strong.

Today was just another reminder that I have so many friends who are holding up my arms when the battle is going long, when I'm not strong enough to hold them up myself. I've gotten so many texts, emails, voicemails, Facebook messages-- I don't know how I'm going to return them all! I'm thankful that we don't walk through life alone; I'm thankful that I don't have to "fly solo" (probably the thing I dread most in life). I'm thankful that across the miles and even around the world (literally!), I have friends who are holding up my arms in prayer and with encouraging words and actions.

From friends who reminded me of God's promises in the days leading up to and since Pop-pop's death-- to texts and emails through the day yesterday and today to let me know thoughts and prayers were being offered up during the funeral on our behalf-- to friends who showed up at the funeral or were willing (even though in the end I insisted that they not) to drive from all over to be there-- to new friends who worked for me and offered to work extra days so I could be with my family-- to those who tracked down friends to track down friends to track down my new phone number to assure me of their prayers.... the list goes on. And I am humbled and thankful and honored to have such amazing friends.

I'm thankful that others don't look at me with disgust when my arms aren't strong, but instead they take it upon themselves to hold up my arms and share their strength and their faith with me. I'm a huge believer in "team." I like to think it's because I love people in general; but really if I'm honest, it's mostly because I know I couldn't "do life" alone-- I know I need a team around me. And what an amazing (and huge!) team I have! And for that I am incredibly grateful.

With special thanks to all those who have held up my arms and gone at this together with me when my arms weren't strong. You know who you are. :)

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