Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Time the Weatherman Was Right....

The forecast said 60% chance of rain today; 70% chance of rain yesterday. We debated and debated, and then we debated some more. And then we decided to go camping anyway.

By yesterday morning, the weatherman said there was a 90% chance of rain-- and thunderstorms.

Don't worry, guys-- I said-- they've been saying all week that there'd be thunderstorms, and it's been nice every single day! I'm sure we'll be fine.

Why is it that weathermen are only right when you need them not to be?

And yet, it was awesome. The rain let up enough for us to go on two hikes (and we even almost made it back from the second hike before it started its torrential downpour-- almost, but not quite); and it stopped raining enough for us to get a fire started for cooking all our meals. Last night it rained the hardest. But we were able to take shelter in our large tent and play some Dutch Blitz and Bananagrams. Pretty hard to feel sad about that!

I haven't been that wet or cold in a while. Not that wet, not that cold-- and not that happy in a while. I'm even glad the weatherman was right.

I don't think I would've changed a thing.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Key Handoff

There's something final about handing over keys. I guess they stand for ownership. Or something. Right? I mean, why else would we talk about the "key to my heart" or give a mayor the "key to the city"?

Today I handed over the keys to The Elle to three new girls-- college students at UArts. They love the house; they're excited to live there. One of them even asked if she could give me a hug after I'd showed her how to use the firepit.

So I guess if I had to hand over the keys, I'm glad I handed them to people who love The Elle. As I watched the girls carry in boxes and decorations, it hit me all over again that I'm not living there anymore. I own the house, but I no longer own the house.

I sure hope they take good care of her....

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