Saturday, July 31, 2010

A time for every season

Steve, Ellen, and I went to the beach yesterday. It was incredibly gorgeous-- the perfect beach day, really. Sunny skies, low humidity, clean and beautiful beach complete with sand dunes. I couldn't ask for much more! I fell asleep on the beach listening to the waves crashing in the sand. I could have slept there for hours! It's a good thing I didn't though; I'm a lovely shade of pink as it is....

Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love going to the beach. I love the sun. I love that it stays light later. I love picnics and grilling out. I love throwing a frisbee in the park or on the beach. I love flip-flops. I love that everyone seems more relaxed during the summer.

But fall is my most favorite season. I love the slightly brisker air in the evenings. I love the changing of the leaves. I love wearing a sweatshirt. I love bonfires. I love carving pumpkins. I love Halloween (I know, I know-- I just do!). I love picking apples and then having an apple pie baking party. I love Thanksgiving and playing football Thanksgiving morning. I love going out of my way to crunch through the leaves on the sidewalk. I love raking leaves and then jumping in the pile.

Winter's pretty good too. I love hot chocolate and snuggling under blankets. I love Christmas-- I love shopping for presents, walking around the city looking at Christmas decorations, cutting down and decorating a Christmas tree, singing Christmas carols and listening to Christmas music, Christmas parties, being with family, watching A Muppet Christmas Carol.... this list goes on. I love snow. I love mittens. I love sweaters. I love building snowmen.

And then just when you're getting tired of winter, spring comes! And spring is amazing too. I love freshly blooming flowers. I love how it starts to stay light later again. I love that first day when you don't have to wear your winter coat. I love seeing the buds on the trees. I love the smell of spring.

There's no way around it-- I love the seasons. All four of them. I really do just get excited at the turn of each one. I think fall will always be my favorite, but even as I type that, I think ooh, but I sure do love summer.... oh, and winter... oh, and spring is pretty great too. I'm thankful that as long as the earth remains, springtime and harvest, summer and winter shall not cease.

After the beach I went to one of my best friend's 30th birthday parties over in the Northern Kingdom of the Promised Land (aka North Jersey). I sat there on a blanket in her backyard surrounded by friends from my childhood-- many of whom I have known my whole life. I felt so relaxed, so comfortable with those people from my past. There's something invaluable about spending time with old friends.

But today I went to work, and I felt a little more comfortable with some of my co-workers who I just don't know that well. I was able to joke with them and laugh with them and talk about life with them. And that was an amazing feeling too.

And it just makes me think how life has its own seasons. Each season has amazing things about it, and if one of them went on forever you'd get sick of it. But the changing of the seasons makes us appreciate what each one has. And it's okay to miss old seasons, but you're just going to miss out if you don't embrace what the next season has to offer.

I've had some pretty spectacular seasons in my life already, and now I'm entering another one. I'm getting pretty excited to see what this next one holds.

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