Sunday, May 23, 2010

Too much to think about

Ever have so much on your mind that you're not sure what you're even thinking? That's totally been my day today.

So here's one slice of what's on my mind.... Went to a party tonight in Tribeca-- a hilarious experience in and of itself. Met just a handful of people, but always the question "What do you do?"

Absolutely nothing.
Good question.
I wish I knew.
Funny you should ask; I'm trying to figure that out myself right now.
I'm actually unemployed.
Mooch off people.
I was a waitress for three days, but I quit....

No matter how you look at it, none of those answers are my ideal response to the classic "What do you do?" question. Now granted, there was one guy who thought I was the because I do absolutely nothing-- but then we found out it was just because he thought that meant I was rich. Joke's on him!

Why is it so embarrassing to have to admit you don't have the answers, or to realize that the answers you have aren't the ones you'd like to give?


  1. Here's a few I've tried:

    "I would love to tell you but it could be considered a national security risk"


    "My life is a project and I am in the design phase"


    "I don't share too much as I am concerned about stalkers"

  2. Good final question. I think it is only American maybe to ask that question in an introduction to someone. Many other places start with family and relational questions. Tell all of them that you are a daughter of THE King :)


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