Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Adventures in scavenging....

I went in search of Clue #2 today. You can't win at a scavenger hunt if you don't hunt for the next clue; they don't ever just come to you.

I started with a meeting at Pace University's School of Education to talk about getting my teaching certification. My previous years of teaching won't count towards anything, which wasn't really surprising. I told her about how I've been accepted to Teach for America but am on the waiting list for a placement, and she wasn't surprised-- said it's hard for anyone to find a teaching position these days, even if I do go through their program to get my certification. Brilliant.

Well, if I can't figure out my long-term future, let's keep working on the short-term. Next stop: interview with a nanny agency. The one thing I'm learning from my job hunting experiences this summer is that adventures are around every corner. This interview was no exception--

20 W. 20th Street, said the website. Simple enough. So I began my trek over, stopping to shop for shoes when I realized I was running ahead of schedule and was risking showing up embarrassingly early. It's good to be a little early and show that you're conscientious; it's bad to be very early and show that you're desperate-- it's a fine line, and I didn't want to flirt with it too closely. I tried on a couple pairs of shoes (Aerosoles is having a great sale, by the way), but I didn't buy any (maybe I'll visit the sale again once I know for sure that I really have a job....). Checked the time again, and decided it was safe to approach my final destination.

20 W. 20th Street-- there it is. So I started towards the door, noticing with amusement the sign that said "Rifle and Pistol Range, Basement Level" -- Is this part of the nanny training? I couldn't help but wonder. I explained to the security guard why I was there, and he told me I was in the wrong place-- they'd moved across the street. Well that's good. I don't like guns anyway. And I headed to the new location.

Sketchy. Really, it's the only word to describe this building. I made my way up to the third floor and laughed to myself as I read the signs on the different doors. It totally seemed like one of those places that people would rent an "office" to stage their fake business. Ah, Suite 300-- there it is.

I walked inside and almost ran back out. There was one guy sitting in this office, with all this lighting and a video camera set up. Really?? I know I'm blonde, but how dumb do you think I am?! But I need to make sure I have a job this summer, so I went in anyway and sat down-- so maybe that answers that question.

Ok, so really that's as dramatic as it got. The guy was nice and everything seemed legit-- the setting was just a bit strange. He asked me lots of questions, took my resume, I gave him my Social Security card and all my credit cards-- it all seemed fine. KIDDING. I am not that dumb.

Danny, the restaurant owner, called me as I was leaving the nanny interview. "Anne, you come at 7 tomorrow?" Yep, I'm planning on it. "Ok, good! I make no promises, but hopefu'y everyone have fun!" I hope so too....

Bottom line, I didn't find Clue #2 today. I guess if anything I'm just more confused about where to look for it. God, why is it so hard to figure out the next step? I know part of Clue #1 was that I can't have any of the answers, but how long will that be the case? What am I supposed to be learning from this waiting part of the process? I'm afraid I'm missing it somehow....

It's cold and rainy in Brooklyn tonight. One of those evenings that's perfect for sitting inside, listening to good music, and drinking hot tea. Well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad; I forgot to bring my tea stash with me from Philly....


  1. Go to TJs and buy some Mango Black tea!! :) Hilarious story pumpkin. I will pray for today's adventure at Danny's! Love, Spice :)

  2. I am really enjoying reading about this journey you have begun. I am praying for you as you seek to do what pleases God most.

  3. One thing I am learning and have learned at some level about these clue thing - You will NEVER miss it! - If it's a clue for next step and for sure answer/given from God, HE will keep showing you "the clue" in SO MANY different ways that at the end, you will have to get it. Keep on going! :) ~ Jassamine H.

  4. "God, why is it so hard to figure out the next step? I know part of Clue #1 was that I can't have any of the answers, but how long will that be the case? What am I supposed to be learning from this waiting part of the process? I afraid I'm missing it somehow...."

    Anne, thank you so much for saying this!! This is EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately too! Praying for clear 'clues' ahead for you!! btw, I've been going to Trinity down her in MD.


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