Sunday, May 16, 2010

Scavenger Hunt for direction

This song has been my theme song for the past six months as I've been sorting through and praying through what God is calling me to do next....

What grace is mine that He who dwells in endless light
Called through the night to find my distant soul
And from his scars poured mercy that would plead for me
That I might live and in his name be known

So I will go wherever He is calling me
I lose my life to find my life in Him
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him

What grace is mine to know His breath alive in me
Beneath his wings my wakened soul may soar
All fear can flee for death's dark night is overcome
My Saviour lives and reigns forevermore

So I will go wherever He is calling me
I lose my life to find my life in Him
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him

And then I would follow it with this prayer: "God, I will go wherever you are calling me. I will do whatever you are calling me to do. But I have NO idea where that is; I have no idea WHAT that is. Please will you show me? Please will you make it clear?"

The one thing that's been clear to me over the past six months is that God's not letting me have any of the answers. You know those scavenger hunts where you get a clue to start and you can't get the next clue until you figure out the first one? That's my life right now.

Clue #1: Go to New York. You won't know how long, you won't know what you're doing. You won't have any of the answers you think you need, actually. You will have everything you need, but it's likely that it won't be the same as what you think you need. Go to New York.

Clue #2:

Haha, nope. There is no Clue #2 yet-- trust me, I'd like to know what it is, too. :) I'll keep you posted as soon as I get it, I promise.

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