Monday, May 17, 2010

Employed!! I think....

Down the street from my apartment there's this diner/coffeeshop/restaurant that's scheduled to open later this week. I walked by there last Tuesday and saw a sign posted that said "Hiring baristas and waitstaff. Inquire within." So I tried to go within to inquire. No such luck-- the door was locked. Hmm.... So I wrote down the phone number that's on the awning, and tried it the next morning. A Chinese man answered the phone, and I explained that I'd tried to apply but no one had been inside.

"Ah, we here now. You come now?"

So I did, and I filled out the application he handed me.

"You have experience?"

I've been a waitress, but not a barista. But I'm a fast learner.

"Ok. We open next Monday or Wednesday. We have coffee training before then. I call you Friday."

So, am I hired?? I guess I should have asked him then, but it seemed like "it" had all been decided already (I just wasn't sure what exactly "it" was...).

He called me on Saturday. "You live close. You tell me when you work. We do coffee training Monday at 1:30. You come?"

So I went today. One of the more entertaining "first day" experiences I've had--

I walked in and Danny, this Chinese owner, welcomed me: "You walk around. See the place." There were a few other people there, sitting at the table; they just stared at me blankly and didn't say anything. I couldn't tell if they were food critics, investors, vendors, or other employees. I walked around a bit, but I felt dumb since everyone else was just sitting there watching me investigate. Another girl walked in and looked as lost as I felt.

So I introduced myself. She seemed relieved. At least we were totally clueless together.

"Sit, sit!" said Danny, and he pulled up chairs for Grace and me. So we joined the Silent Circle of Strangers who were just staring at each other.

So I kept introducing myself. Turns out, they were all employees. Meet the cast:

Grace-- a very sweet and soft-spoken girl who will work behind the counter; she's about to start in a Criminal Justice program in the fall

Rose-- a very kind, older hispanic woman who has lived in Brooklyn for most of her life; she's raised four kids and insisted that they all work hard at their educations so they didn't have to work in restaurants and coffee shops like she has for the past 15 years or so

Camille-- strikes me as stereotypically "Brooklyn"; very outspoken but also very friendly; has been a waitress for 10 years at a restaurant down the street but is excited about being part of this new venture

Keith-- hilarious. Not in the funny way; more in the "wow, you take yourself really seriously" way. A snapshot of our initial interactions: we're standing around after the coffee saleswoman does her training routine (throughout which he gave several comments and corrections to her directions), and I say, "So, you've done this before?" Snicker. Me: "So, where did you work before this?" Another snicker. "Everywhere; I've done it all." Me: "Cool! So you'll be the go-to guy if we have any questions?" Him: "Well, I know everything about these machines. It's not hard." Sweet. Actually, I think we're going to get along really well-- he does seem like he knows his stuff, and like he takes his work seriously. I think he just wasn't used to people initiating conversation with him. Note to self: not everyone appreciates outgoing people. Noted.

Senny (I'll have to confirm that this is really how she spells her name)-- very quiet and very sweet girl who works days as a Home Health Aide and will be waitressing some evenings.

Reggie-- very softspoken guy, who I couldn't quite figure out if he was there to work or was just there with Senny. Guess I'll find out soon enough....

Danny-- the owner. Awesome. And extremely disorganized, it seems. Camille and I are the waitresses (we think), so we asked him when he wants us there on Opening Day-- two days from now. "Ah. When you want come. I don't know what it be like yet." Ok.... so do you want us to be here just in case it's busy? "Sure if you want to be." So.... should I come when you open at 6? "No, I be here. 7 ok." Do you want both of us? "I don't know." Ok, well, we'll come and just figure it out from there. Is there any training we need for waiting tables? "No, it's just food! We bring what they want!!" Wow, if only my other waitressing jobs had been that laid back.....

I think the coolest thing was the attitude that we're in it together. Grace had never used an espresso machine before so she felt pretty overwhelmed. Rose leaned over to her and said, "Don't worry. We're in this together. We're going to be a family away from our families."


So, we're opening on Wednesday: Danny's on Court Street. If you're in the area, stop by for breakfast, lunch, or a cup of coffee! If you're not in the area, it's probably not worth it for you just to come for a quick lunch-- so you can come on the weekend instead, when you have time to stay a bit longer. :)

Should be interesting. If nothing else, it'll give me good material for stories for this blog....


  1. Sounds like my first day at Tenth! (D Apple)

  2. I love your attitude, Anne! You've found a neat bunch of people who are ready to become a family. You are blessed indeed!

  3. Good luck Anne! I'm looking forward to the stories.

  4. Can't wait to hear how opening day goes....ANy idea what the menu is going to look like?
    Can you give me the address?


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