Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ikea Adventures

I woke up before 6am this morning because my window faces east and I don't have curtains. Kinda cool to wake up naturally-- if only it could happen two or three hours later...

We (Tim, Steve, Mary, Melissa, and I) went to Six Flags today (and yes, I chickened out of both Kingda Ka and Nitro...). On our way home, Tim said, "So what are you gonna do about curtains?" Well... funny he should ask; I was trying to figure out how I could talk him into stopping at Ikea.

"...and while we're there I could also just quick grab a dresser, because mine wouldn't fit in the car when Gretchen and I tried to take the one from my house..."

Somehow, I have the world's nicest brothers. He was totally up for it. I said, "Don't worry-- I know how to get to Brooklyn-- it's Exit 14 off the Turnpike. I think Ikea is Exit 13A." Well, I was right about Ikea, at least....

The shopping itself was actually great. I found curtains and a dresser I liked-- I wrote down the bin number for the dresser and we headed that way. But first, a stop in the "as is" section just in case. What's this??! There was the same dresser for 15% off because someone had assembled it and returned it! Sweet! And I didn't bring tools with me, so I wouldn't even have to worry about assembling it!

All good in theory.

We got it out to the car, and could not for the life of us get it inside the car. About 45 minutes later, we wedged it in the trunk and managed to tie the trunk down with some twine. So much for a quick trip! We got in the car and I said, "Thank you; I'm sorry; and I'm really glad that I wasn't here by myself trying to figure this out."

Back on the Turnpike, headed for Exit 14.... except that the sign said "Holland Tunnel" and I was sure that yesterday it said "Verrazano Bridge." iPhone to the rescue, sort of. "Um, Tim.... please don't hate me..... we're going the wrong way....." Ah! But we could still go through the Holland Tunnel and just "cut across" Manhattan. Oh right, except that NYC is famous for its traffic....

So the Ikea trip turned into about a 2 1/2 hour addition to our trek home.

Tim never got mad at me.

Have I mentioned I have the world's nicest brothers?!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for making a blog to share your heart, dear friend. as we've said many times to each other, it's not wishing pain, but being grateful for how God redeems it. i'm so glad He is with you, and that He's given you the world's greatest brothers - i'd have to agree, though i have some pretty great ones too! :-)


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