Wednesday, August 18, 2010

iphone betrayal

I was sitting on the subway on my way to meet up with Gretchen after work this afternoon. I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. But someone on the train was listening to their music ridiculously loudly so everyone could hear it-- How can their ears take that volume? Don't they know they're gonna go deaf?! I ended up drifting off to sleep between stops. When I opened my eyes, the music was still going strong. I noticed that the woman standing in front of me had her smartphone out. Ah, she has one of those phones like my phone that has a speaker so you can listen to music even without earphones. *Not appropriate on public transportation, lady* I wanted to tell her, but I resisted.

I honestly couldn't believe how loud her music was and how she was oblivious to the fact that everyone could hear the song playing. Ooh, I do like that song though.... what is it again? Ooh, it's Keith and Kristyn Getty! I can't believe she has this song!

And then I got that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. You know the one. I moved my arm that was covering my purse, and sure enough the song got louder. Wouldn't you know it, my iphone was playing its heart out-- and since my headphones weren't plugged in, the whole subway car got to listen along.


  1. haha - that's funny i was just telling rebecca today how you betrayed me for the smartphone :). Kidding. Just recently this happened to me with my ipod on a plane and I got dirty looks!!

  2. That's Funny!! Thanks for mentioning music by Keith & Kristyn!! Come and join the discussion on their page at - posted by Team Getty


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