Monday, August 23, 2010


The woman sitting across from me on the subway this morning pulled a book out of her bag and started reading. Always curious (okay fine, I'm nosey), I looked to see what book it was. All I could see was 101.

Hmm... 101 what? 101 ways to be successful? 101 things to be happy about? 101 ways to annoy people? 101 places you should see before you die? 101 what?!?!

I'm not really sure what the thought progression was, but I found myself wondering If I had to write a book on 101 things I was thankful for, could I do it? And so I started listing....

for my dad.
for my mom.
for my brothers.
for my dogs
(this is a serious one-- they're the cutest!)
for my friends.... (and I started listing different ones.... maybe this was cheating? I got pretty high on my count just this way. And then realized that, too, was another thing to be thankful for!).
for my salvation.
for God's faithfulness.
for God's mercy.
for God's power.
for the chance to live in New York.
for safety this weekend when I was driving.
for an amazing extended family
(and I started listing again.... another way to boost the count easily -- again, another thing to be thankful for).
for the chance I had to live in England.
for the time I had in Philly and the great friends I still have there.
for the opportunity to buy a house, even if I don't understand all the "why's" of it right now.
for my basketball team.
for rain and the chance to walk in it
(I know it's weird, but puddle-jumping is one of my favorite things).
for sunshine and warmth.
for the presence of God with me.
for my job at Alice's-- that I love it, that I have friends there, that I'm employed at all.
for the chance to live with one of my best friends.
for getting to see Betsie a couple weekends ago.
for living near Steve and seeing him a couple times a week instead of every other month.
for Ellen living in NYC too and for getting to know her so much better.
for friends who remind me to believe the promises.
for Lindsay and Lindsey deciding to stay at The Elle for another year-- and for the provision of a third roommate for them.
for Carl's incredible help in taking care of my house.
for Craig and Josh's willingness to be on call for housing stuff.
for healing for my hand after surgery.
for my Hillsdale professors.
for my students who still let me be involved in their lives.
for the salvation of many of my students.
for my parents' house in Maryland.
for the fact that my grandma lives with them now and not in Cape Cod by herself.

.... and on and on and on--
but I realized as I continued to list, that there is no shortage of things to be thankful for. And God kept reminding me of different little things I've prayed for that he had granted-- so many details of my life where God has shown up.

And isn't this what you've been fighting to believe? That God cares about the details of your life?

I definitely exceeded 101 reasons to be thankful. I walked from the subway to work with a smile on my face. God cares about the details of your life-- he's shown you again and again. Trust him, and rest in him. And be joyful because you know he cares for you!

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