Thursday, August 19, 2010

Adventures in Puzzling

I don't love jigsaw puzzles. Maybe it's because I don't have the attention span for it and get frustrated too easily. Or maybe it's because I'm just not good at them. One thing I know, though, is that you're always supposed to put the frame of the puzzle together first. Once that's in place-- the theory goes-- it'll be easier to figure out the details that make up the whole picture.

Those of you who have been following my adventures this summer know that I have felt like I'm not only attempting to put a puzzle together, but am also searching for the pieces which are ultimately going to make up this glorious puzzle when it's all finished. (For the record, though, I have enjoyed this process more than I do putting together a normal jigsaw puzzle.)

I haven't finished the puzzle. I guess I don't know if I ever really will. But I'm excited to say I think the frame is finally in place, and I'm even beginning to fill in some of the details. It's been amazing and encouraging to see God's hand in all of it-- handing me puzzle pieces that I couldn't find even with my best searching efforts. Here's what the puzzle-picture looks like so far:

The frame: I'm staying in New York (huge smile). I'm keeping my house (another huge smile). I'm selling my car (huge sad face).

(Some of) The details: Lindsey and Lindsay are staying at The Elle and found a great third roommate. I'm going to keep working at Alice's (I'm not ready to leave yet; I love the people and the work too much-- can't complain about that, right?!) but look for ways to get involved on a part-time or volunteer basis with inner city kids. I'm going to keep living with Gretchen, probably here in the Cobble Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn (still slightly up in the air).

I think one of the things that's been the coolest to me about seeing this much of the puzzle come together is that I made the decision to stay before any of the pieces were really in place-- which has meant that I have an even greater appreciation for seeing the pieces start to fit. A couple weeks ago I started to have a meltdown. I want to stay in New York. And I don't know how to make it work. So I called Steve and asked him if we could talk. We met up after I got off work-- another confirmation of why I want to stay here; I love being able to see my brothers at a moment's notice. I told him that I want to stay and why I want to stay and asked him to help me figure out the logistics. We didn't get super far, but I did leave the conversation knowing that I was really going to stay and with greater confidence that God was going to work out the details. (Side note: I still wrestle with the balance between trusting God v. being presumptuous..... I'm not quite sure where this whole thing fits into that.) It wasn't until the next couple days that things started to come together, but I have felt over the past week or so that God is affirming my decision to stay.

I have no idea what this puzzle's supposed to look like when it's finished; but it's pretty exciting each time God hands me a new piece and I see how it fits in. I still have some pieces that aren't connected to anything and don't make any sense yet-- I'm looking forward to the time when I get a glimpse of the whole big picture!


  1. yay! I'm so excited for you! I'll be praying that the puzzle pieces continue coming together ... and I want to come visit again. :)

  2. That's like me: I decided to stay in Waco before the pieces were there. I'd just never thought of it that way before. And God's handed me many of the pieces, too. =)

  3. A of all) I'm very happy for you!
    B of all) I feel less guilty for not having visited you yet, since you will still be there for awhile. :-P
    C of all) I hope that the pieces still continue to come together. And though I will miss our Bean Exchange times, I really do think this is for the best.



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