Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stop the Rollercoaster; I wanna get off.

My mom used to tell me that if I didn't get so excited about things, maybe my life wouldn't feel like such a roller-coaster. Such highs. Such lows.

I used to counter her argument by telling her I didn't want to be a pessimist, that it was a good thing to expect a lot out of life.

But I've been suspecting lately that maybe she knew what she was talking about. If only I could find the balance of expecting great things and yet holding them loosely; hoping but not being crushed when things go differently than what I'd envisioned.

If only.


  1. remember when we'd argue about being whether it was better to be a pessimist or an optimist? the funny thing is, I was like you in that I would get so excited about something and i'd get disappointed...and from that happening time after time, I became a pessimist. It has taken me a while, and still am learning, that balance that you are in search of. What's helped me is believing that God has my best interest in mind because He loves me so much and what didn't work out was not for my best and that something better is around the corner. I'm sure you already believe that....I wanted to share with you a thought process that has helped me. Praying for you!

  2. Oh man, I was just talking about this an hour ago... about how I got tired of getting my hopes crushed, so I became a pessimist. And yesterday I told someone I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. I wish I could get off, too.


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