Thursday, December 23, 2010

Every seven months....

Well, I've been in Brooklyn for seven months now. So you know what that means.... it's time to move again! I hate packing as much as the next guy, but I am pretty excited about this move. Remember that apartment that we were so in love with but fell through? Well, I got an email earlier this week from the guy renting it out, and he said that the people who were supposed to take it went with a different apartment! So if we want it, he said, it's ours!

We want it!!!

So now we are in the midst of frantically filling out paperwork, looking for necessary documentation (Sorry what? You're supposed to keep your tax forms??? Who knew?!), and finding people to take our spots in our current apartment.

Which, really, is the reason for this post. Please pray that God will bring just the right people and work out the details of this whole move in just the right way. I told our third roommate tonight that we are moving out, and obviously it is a lot to take in. Please pray that God will bring her good roommates-- and soon. We are aiming for a January 15 move date, so it doesn't give much time!

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed, but I'm also excited. I think God has gifted both Gretchen and me in the area of showing hospitality, and we are eager to have space to do so! And, this new apartment will be only about twenty blocks away from where Ellen lives now and where she and Steve will live when they get married in April!

Also, this means even more flexibility for having guests come stay. So start making your plans!!!!

(Thanks for praying!!)

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