Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bonding in stereo

Maybe it's because I miss my dad. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for little kids. But whatever the reason, I found myself mesmerized by a father-daughter pair on the subway on my way home from work earlier this week.

The dad was young and wasn't wearing a wedding ring. He was cool-- you could tell from his clothes and his attitude as he moved to the music playing on his ipod. His daughter was cute-- fidgety and babbling and reaching for everything she could get her hands on. They sat down across from me on the train. The girl squealed with delight at some things, cried at others-- wanting things that were out of reach, wanting to get down from her dad's lap and run around the train.... just antsy and ready to play. And then suddenly, silence. It was 11:30 at night-- she must have fallen asleep. But when I looked over, I saw that was far from the truth.

The dad was still listening to his ipod, but now she was too. One of the earbuds was in his ear; the other was in hers. And she was sitting in her dad's lap, loving his music. She didn't squirm, she didn't try to get down-- she just sat there with contentment written all over her face.

The earbud fell out, and she calmly put it back in her ear and snuggled up to her dad again. He tried taking it back once, but she would have none of it. He smiled and let her listen along with him.

When I was going through a hard time a while ago, one of my pastors told me to talk to my Heavenly Father about it-- to "crawl up in his lap" and have a heart-to-heart with him. That image came to mind as I watched this little girl sit there and just enjoy what her father was enjoying. It made me miss my dad; but it also made me think how I don't do that with God nearly enough-- just sit there and enjoy sharing life with him.

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