Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Day. Time to think about goals for the brand new year, obviously. You know, New Year's Resolutions. Everyone has them-- even if it's just resolving not to make any.

I've been trying to think of resolutions I can make that I'll actually be sure to keep, but it hasn't been very easy. Am I really that bad at following through on stuff? But it's more that I'm learning exactly how much I can't control the future. I think through things I'd like to do or not do this upcoming year, but almost immediately I realize how difficult (or impossible, depending) it would be follow through completely. (Side note: don't get me wrong; I think it's both good and important to set goals and work towards them. I just mean those resolutions that you're SURE you'll accomplish and will just be disappointed with yourself next December 31 when you realize you haven't. Hopefully that distinction makes sense....)

I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of depressing to think about all the things I would like to do/not do and then to realize how unlikely it is that I would do so successfully. Are there any things I could resolve to do that I'd be guaranteed to accomplish?? Adding "by the grace of God" to the end of each helps, but even that emphasizes how unlikely it is that I'll actually follow through completely.

As I thought about that, I realized that the only real guarantee is God, and that he is the only one who could ever perfectly keep his New Year's Resolutions. So I started to imagine what some of his resolutions toward me would be. It was pretty encouraging to my heart, so I'll share some of them with you here....
- I will love you even when you behave in an unloveable way.
- I will take care of you and provide what you need.
- I will do the best possible thing for you at all times, even when you don't understand how it's best.
- I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even if you feel lonely, I will be there at all times.
- I will give you good things, because it makes me happy to do so.
- I will use you to bring glory to my name. I will let you have the privilege of helping carry out my plans.
- I will listen when you talk to me.
- I will care deeply for everything that you care about-- whether it is big or small, major or seemingly insignificant.
- I will show you what to do when you are confused. I will guide you through all the uncertainties of life, and I will not lead you astray.
- I will talk to you when you listen for me.
- I will give you joy and peace as you trust in me.

Pretty impressive, right? I couldn't hope to make good on any of those if I tried to promise them to someone else. But the best part? God can't NOT keep these resolutions, because he's promised them and he can't lie. And he's been doing them for all of time, so it's a sure thing that he'll keep doing them in 2011, too.

Happy New Year!


  1. Loved your thoughts. I ended my "resolutions" the same way. It's only by His grace. How thankful I am that His promises cannot be broken.

  2. I gave up on making resolutions. I fail miserable.

    It's good that God doesn't fail in His resolutions.


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