Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Joy of the Cheek Cramp

I'd never heard of a cheek cramp before I met Betsie. In fact, to be honest, I actually mocked Betsie during college when she used to collapse on the bed laughing, holding her cheek, and squealing "Cheek cramp! Cheek cramp!"

And then one day, I got one too. I don't remember exactly what brought it on, but I'm pretty sure it was Betsie's fault.

This weekend I made my way to New Hampshire to celebrate Betsie's 30th birthday (it's not til next week, but this was as close as I could get). We've been friends for over a decade now-- am I really getting that old?! -- and we still laugh until the cheek cramps come.

If you haven't experienced a cheek cramp yet, don't think I'm crazy. Just know that it means you have not yet laughed hard enough.

I recommend remedying that, and as soon as possible.


1 comment:

  1. I just had a cheek cramp last night!! They are the best things to experience!!


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