Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sidewalk Sofa

On our way home from dinner the other night, we walked past a beautiful leather couch on the sidewalk.

Do you think it's free?! -- was my initial exclamation when we saw it.
"I'm sure it's not; who gives away a leather couch that nice?" said Gretchen.
You want me to ask? I will! (There were people standing right by the couch and the other discarded personal belongings.)
"If you're brave enough, go for it."

So I did. Only to find out that the other people were trash-pickers also. It was all up for grabs!! So Gretchen, Christine, and I handed Debbie our purses and began carrying the couch down the street.

"It's not gonna fit up our staircase...."
Oh yes it will! Where there's a will, there's a way!
"What about the plates??" (For those of you who haven't been to our place, there are literally about 300 china plates that "adorn" the staircase.)
We'll just be extra careful... we can make this work! It's such a great couch! And it's free!!

So we flipped it on its side and carried it-- VERY carefully-- up the stairs. Nancy (Gretchen's mom) helped us lift it, while Debbie stood behind us and shouted out warnings of how close we were to breaking the plates. We got it to the top of the first flight of stairs.... and got stuck.

"You're not gonna make it. You're gonna break plates," said Debbie.
But we're so close!!
"It's not gonna fit. You've gotta put it back outside."

More pushing, more lifting. Really? We're really going to have to give up? I was lifting from the bottom of the couch; Gretchen and Christine were at the top trying to pull it over the banister. I braced myself for the increased load as we admitted defeat and began to take it back downstairs.

Okay, I'm ready-- just let it down slowly so it doesn't crush me!-- I told them.

But instead of getting heavier, it suddenly got lighter! What was this?? They had gotten it over the railing! We were in the clear! And we hadn't broken any plates!! The second stairway didn't have plates on it, so we cleared that one much more easily and eased the new couch into our front living room.

It is gorgeous. Black leather, and it looks brand new. We sprayed it with Lysol, took the cushions apart and inspected for bugs-- and it all looks great.

But I have to say that pretty much without fail, every single person I've told about this "amazing find" has said, "I sure hope you didn't take it into your house-- the only reason anyone would get rid of a nice leather sofa would be if it has bedbugs in it."

Way to take the wind out of my sails, and I tell them not to be such pessimists. But all of these exchanges have made me wonder if I'm really cut out to be a New Yorker, after all? Maybe I'm just a little too naive and optimistic...

But in the meantime, I am enjoying the beautiful black leather sofa that sits in our front living room.

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