Monday, September 27, 2010


[My head] is gray and white and cloudy...
My thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy,
They have no borders, no boundaries.
They echo and they swell
From Tolstoy to Tinker Bell.
Down from Berkeley to Carmel....

I've had a headcold since Labor Day weekend. Almost a month later and not only does it not show signs of getting better, it's actually daring to get worse. I'm pretty sure I have an ear infection-- if I have pain and the hearing comes and goes in one ear, that's a bad sign right?

I feel like I'm in a fog; I can tell people are talking around me-- sometimes I can tell that they're talking to me. But I usually can't hear what they're saying.

"You need to go to the doctor."

Yeah, but I don't have that kind of health insurance.

Maybe it's time to rethink this whole working-at-a-restaurant thing??



  1. Get a nasal saline solution spray--works wonders! That will help drain your sinuses. Also, boiling peppermint or mint leaves in water and use it as a steam inhalation. Drink hot water with cinnamon and honey. Drink ginger and echinacea teas. You'll be feeling better in no time.


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