Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall in a Cup

Today is the first day of Pumpkin Spice Latte season. Some people call it "autumn," but really the two names are interchangeable. The genius of the Pumpkin Spice Latte is that it manages to capture all the flavors of fall in beverage form.

There are rules about enjoying this amazing drink. You can't drink it until the first day of fall, or it just doesn't taste as good. It would be like... like... like drinking a Christmas drink before Thanksgiving. Some things just aren't okay.

So today was the first day that the Pumpkin Spice Latte was legal to drink. But I didn't have one. I know, gasp!!!! But I have a good reason, I promise. My brother Steve and my good friend Melissa share my deep conviction about waiting for the autumnal equinox before enjoying this seasonal treat. For the past several years, I've gotten to drink my first PSL of the season with one or the other of them. But this year.... well, I live in New York now; and Melissa's back in Philly. And Steve is away on business through the end of the week. Steve and I decided to wait until this weekend and have the first drink together. And then I got an idea! I texted Melissa (aka "Spice"-- no joke. Our nicknames are Pumpkin and Spice. No wonder we're such a good pair!) and asked if she wanted to come up for the day on Sunday and drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes with Steve and me. Thankfully, she is as crazy as I am and she's coming!

So I could legally have gotten a Pumpkin Spice Latte today, but it just wouldn't have been the same to drink it by myself. But I sure am excited for that first drink of fall this Sunday!


  1. Sorry I broke the rules and had one on Sept 21 instead of waiting until the 22nd. :( But in my defense, it felt like fall that morning! Hope y'all have a fun Pumpkin + Spice + Steve date on Sunday.


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