Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Filling in some gaps

I've taken a blogging hiatus, if you haven't noticed. It's another case of "too much going on in my mind to get anything out on paper (or a computer screen, as the case may be)." I talked about this condition with another friend who's a blogger, and we agreed that there's a distinct danger that if you write what you're actually thinking about, you'll lose all your faithful followers. So instead I suppose I could just write vague entries--

Day 1:

Deep breath.

Day 2:

Smile. Even if you don't feel like it. Maybe the happiness will follow.

Day 3:


Day 4:


Day 5:

Wake me up when September ends. (Thanks, Greenday-- you always did have a way with words!)

Day 6:

The smiling didn't work.

Day 7:

Oh to be a kid again when your biggest problem was that your brother got more ice cream than you did.

Yep, I think that covers the last week.

I wonder what my life would look like if I truly believed that God delights to give me good things, and that this is an unchanging and irrefutable truth-- if I believed that each and every single thing that happened to me was not somehow in spite of God's goodness and sovereignty but because of it. If I believed that the bumps in my road of life were part of his gifts to me, would I hate them so much? Losing people I love, troubles with friends, loneliness, financial stresses, general life confusion-- I don't want these problems in my life. I don't want to feel like I don't belong anywhere, like I have no purpose anywhere.

But if I truly believed that God was giving me each of these trials because he loves me, would I deal with them better? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. And I'm pretty sure I don't believe it deeply enough, because write now I'm just overwhelmed. I'd tell you more about it, but like I said, I don't want to lose my blog following.


  1. wow.


    i think this could very well be my blog entry, too. you managed to capture pretty much everything about my week in this blog. including the whole "good God" thing...


  2. Wow, sounds remarkably similar to my life.


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