Friday, September 10, 2010

Plot Spoilers

I'm currently reading a book series (The Hunger Games) that my friend Adam lent me. I think they were meant for teenagers, but I can't put them down. It's that type of book where each chapter ends with a cliffhanger that just forces you to turn the page and keep reading-- regardless of how tired you already are or of how early you need to be up the next morning.

I don't do well with suspense. It's a good thing Adam is only giving me one book at a time, or I think I'd just have to peek to see if the heroine survives-- and to see who she ends up marrying. I've gotten to the point where I'll turn to the last page in a chapter and have to cover the last paragraph with my hand. If I don't, I know I'll peek!

I want to know how my story ends too. I never did do well with suspense....


  1. The books are great aren't they? I finished the last book in the trilogy the same day it came out (August 25th).

    Let me know what you think.

  2. me, too! Well, I actually want to know the plot along the way more than the actual ending. =P

  3. Your story is just beginning, my friend.... Far from the end. ;]xoxoxox


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