Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The God of All Hope

I've been having a rough week so far, and it's only Tuesday.

I got a text from my mom yesterday telling me that Gramarie fell (again) and broke her (other) hip and her wrist. Last time she fell, I went down and was there for the surgery-- and was so glad I was. This time, that's where I want to be-- not on the receiving end of the text updates.

I miss my Philly friends, but I know I'm not supposed to be there right now. But boy, do I miss them.

We need to figure out where we're going to live, and none of the options are very promising. Safety, space, or location. You can choose one of those, but apparently not all. I was hoping to move by December 1. It's not looking likely.

I got a text from my friend who is coaching my old basketball team in Philly. Two of our girls aren't playing this year. Might not sound like a big deal, but it is. I'm worried about them, and I'm in New York-- not in Philly. I struggle with feeling guilty for abandoning them.

There's other stuff too, but it's not bloggable. That's probably the stuff that has been the hardest this week. I know that's not fair, sorry. Let your imagination run wild.

On my walk home tonight, I prayed Lord, I'm struggling; I'm having a really hard time. Please don't let me lose my hope.

And then this verse came to mind-- a verse that I painted on canvases in my kitchen back in Philly:

May the God of all HOPE
Fill you with PEACE
and JOY as you trust in Him.
(Romans 15:13)

Trust in Him. Trust that his plans are perfect, even if things are going a different direction than you would have chosen for yourself. Even when the details aren't adding up the way you thought they would.

God of all hope, please fill me with peace and joy and help me to trust in You.


  1. I was just complaining about how my life isn't going the way I wish it was and all the stress that comes with being human. What you wrote really struck home and once again, it's as though God is speaking to my soul through you. I needed to read that verse. Like you, I feel like I'm losing hope. Keep hanging tough in Jesus.

  2. Ditto. I have little glimpses of hope and then lose sight of them so quickly. To quote Brooke Fraser: "Reality has left you reeling/ All facts and no feeling/ No faith and all fear." Love you, Anne, Davies, Miss.


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