Monday, June 18, 2012

If You Could Be Anybody....

I went for my first official run with my Back on My Feet running team this morning. I got to run with Dennis, the one who shares my love for all things New Jersey.

Part of the routine each morning is that one team member asks a question meant to spark conversation during the run. The team leader forgot to have us do it before we went out, but when we came back for our cool-down stretches and closing circle, she let Luis pose his question to the group.

"If you could be anyone you wanted for one whole week, who would you be?" And then before anyone else could say anything, he added, "Jack Sparrow. That's who I'd be."

We didn't go around in order so that people who needed it had more time to think; so several of the non-residential members (volunteers) offered their answers of various athletes, actors, and celebrities. A couple of the residential members (the guys from The Bowery Mission) agreed and named various famous people that they really admire.

And then one of the guys spoke up: "Why would I want to be anyone else? God has blessed me so richly!"

There was no condemnation in his voice; just sincere gratitude for all that God has done for him. It's humbling because if you were to compare my life and his life on paper, you'd say right away that I was the one God has blessed so richly. Yet my first instinct when I heard the question was to begin comparing myself to everyone I could think of-- not to think about what God has already done for me.

You know, when I signed up for BoMF I thought This'll be fun-- it'll keep me running consistently and I'll be able to encourage these res members as I do it. Well, joke's on me. Already they're encouraging me and teaching me all sorts of lessons about what it means to acknowledge and be thankful for God's work in my life. Even when my life isn't picture-perfect or smooth. They aren't griping about their situations or how they got there or how others have wronged them. They're thankful that God brought them to The Bowery and that he has blessed them with a team of people who wants to run with them.

Lord, give me this same heart of gratitude that doesn't complain about my circumstances but that is overflowing with thankfulness for the abundant blessings in my life. Open my eyes to see the blessings that aren't readily apparent, and give me this same kind of confidence in your deep love and care for me in any and every situation.

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