Monday, January 30, 2012

Slumber Party Love Advice

One of my friends from Alice's did a cabaret show tonight. It was called "PJs and Pixy Stix," and Nick invited us to participate in a musical slumber party of sorts as he alternated singing his heart out with entertaining us with various stories and musings.

At one point he pulled a stool up to the microphone and announced that he was going to give us some love advice-- "Dr. Nick's Love Advice" he called it, and he began....

"Sometimes you meet someone special and you give them your heart. And sometimes that special someone says, 'Thank you' and they take your heart and they keep it safe and guard it carefully.

"But sometimes they take your heart and they say 'Whoops!' as it falls to the ground and shatters in a million pieces. But they don't stop there. They look at the pieces laying there on the ground, find the shiniest one, and take it with them.

"You fight to put those pieces back together. And someday, someone else comes along and helps you. You pull out the Elmer's glue and the tape, and they help you piece your heart back together. And now this time, your heart is that much stronger because it has all that Elmer's glue holding it together. But as you put the fragments back in place, this new someone notices something isn't right. 'You're missing a piece,' they tell you, and then they hand you a piece of themselves to make your heart whole again."

Really, it's a beautiful image of how life-- and love-- goes. And it's a beautiful reminder that beauty can still come out of messes.

So keep pressing on if you're one of the many who's fighting to pick up the pieces. The Elmer's glue is just going to make you (us) stronger in the end. And that new piece-- well, it might just make your heart even more beautiful than it was in the first place.

(Don't worry; I struggle to believe that, too. But I think "Dr. Nick" might be on to something....)

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