Sunday, October 9, 2011


[I read a book on the bus to and from New Hampshire this weekend. If I didn't know better, I would have thought I'd written it myself. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the author and I live parallel lives. Either way, I'll be blogging about this book a bit in the near future. And you should read it. Seriously. It's called Angry Conversations with God by Susan Isaacs, and it is the most refreshingly honest book I've read in a long time. I feel like I could write pages and pages about what reading this book did for me. But this is going to be just a short blog entry because I'm tired; but I just have to write about this part that made me tear up and smile at the same time because it proved to me that the author and I are, indeed, soulmates.]

There's a part in the book where the author (Susan) is talking to her counselor (Rudy) and have the following conversation when Rudy asks Susan what she has to be thankful for:

Susan: My cat. My friends. And this is really lame, but there's 3:16.
Rudy: Do you mean John 3:16? "For God so loved the world"?
Susan: No. My birthday is 3/16. March 16. It's a dorky, superstitious thing. I keep catching the clock when it's 3:16pm. I've even woken up in the middle of the night, and it's 3:16am. It's bizarre.

I liked this part already. I've had the same experience multiple times, where I keep "catching the clock" at 8:29-- my birthday. And it always makes me happy. But the rest of their conversation is what brought the tears to my eyes--

Rudy: And what do you think God's saying?
Susan: "Hey man, just thinkin' about ya."

Maybe she's right; maybe it's a dorky, superstitious thing. But I think that God uses the little things to encourage us sometimes. So I'll take it.

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