Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Sayin'

I don't really have anything to write about. It's another case of "so much in my head that nothing is ready to be written."

But people keep asking me how I am, so I just want to check in with my blog readers to let you know that I'm doing well. And thank you for asking and for caring and for praying.

I'm doing really well. I have a peace that I haven't had in what feels like ages. I feel that people are praying, and that's a good place to be.

I am happy. Not just the "happy because today was a good day" kind of happy, but the "I have joy in my heart" kind of happy. Even when things are hard, which they have been in the last month.

God is good.

I haven't always felt that way, even though it's always been that way.

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