Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things my grandma says....

As you probably remember, my grandma has Alzheimers. Which means she not only forgets what's going on, but she also has lost most (all?) of her filter. I've been staying with her for two days so far, and here are some of the comments thus far....

"I thought you used to be blonde. What happened? Have you ever thought about dying your hair?"

"Who's taller, you or me? Oh, you are.... Wow, don't you hate being tall?"

"It's nice to have you back in the family."
Me: Um.... where have I been?
"Oh you know-- it's just nice to have you involved again."

"Can't you find a good guy to hold onto? Oh, I guess they're probably all taken by now."

"Is that how you wear your hair? Don't you ever curl it? How long are you gonna let it grow, anyway?"

I'm sure I'll have more to add as the week progresses.....


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